Recent updates may have expanded access to feature(s) discussed in this FAQ. Visit your product's support page, select the correct hardware version for your device and check either the Datasheet or the firmware section for the latest improvements added to your product.
The extender can work as an access point, transforming your existing wired network to a wireless one.
It's recommended to connect your computer to your Extender via Ethernet.Visit, and log in with the username and password you set for the extender.
Click Mode in the top right corner of the page. Select Access Point and click Save. The extender will reboot and switch to Access Point mode.
After rebooting, connect the extender to your modem or wired router via an Ethernet cable.
Visit, and log in with the username and password you set for the extender.
Go to Quick Setup to configure your extender.
1) Configure your wireless settings and click Next.
2) Confirm the information and click Finish. Now, you can enjoy the Wi-Fi.
Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.
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