Tapo L930-5 , TL63-5 , TL62-5 , Tapo L920-5 , TL61-5 , Tapo L930-10 , Tapo L900-5 , KL400L5 , KL420L5 , Tapo L930 , Tapo L920 , Tapo L900 , KL400L10 , TL61-10 , KL430 , Tapo L900-10 , Tapo L900-20 , Tapo L920-10 , KL420L10
Recent updates may have expanded access to feature(s) discussed in this FAQ. Visit your product's support page, select the correct hardware version for your device and check either the Datasheet or the firmware section for the latest improvements added to your product.
Q1: Can I cut the Light Strip to fit my installation?
A1: Yes, The Light Strips have cut marks, allowing you to cut them to the desired length for your installation. However, the cut-off part is usually not reusable.
Note: Ensure the light strip is disconnected from power before cutting.
Q2: After cutting the Light strip, can I connect the excess part cut off to another controller for normal use?
A2: No. Currently, TP-Link does not sell the light strip controller separately. What’s more, Third-party controllers are not fully compatible with Tapo/Kasa light strips, which may prevent the strip from powering on or being controlled.
Q3: What can I do with the excess part of the Light strip after cutting?
A3: Generally, the excess part cut-off cannot be reused, so please be careful before cutting.
If you accidentally cut it to the wrong length, you can still reconnect the cut part using a connector or attach it to another strip of the same model. You can tap here for more guidance about using a connector.
Note: The total length of a light strip must not exceed 5 meters.
(1) Exceeding this length may cause the overall brightness of the strip to dim.
(2) For the L930 and L920 models, the parts beyond 5 meters cannot change colors properly.
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