TL-WDN3200 received "Recommended" award from Hardware Heaven in UK
2013, UK
TL-WDR4900 received "Recommended" award from Hardware Heaven in UK
2013, UK
Channel Excellence Awards
TP-Link got the Channel Excellence Awards from Channel Partner in Germany
2013, Germany
Price Tip
TL-WR2543ND won “Price Tip” award from CHIP Test & Kauf in Germany
2013, Germany
TL-WDR3600 received "Performance Award" from Hexus in UK
2013, UK
TL-PA511KIT received "Recommended" award from Hexus in UK
2013, UK
Product Design Award
TL-MR3040 won Product Design Award from IF in Germany
2013, Germany
TL-WDR4300 won award from PC Games Hardware for Price-Performance and WLAN-Performance
2013, Germany
Price Tip
TL-WR2543ND won “Price Tip” award from CHIP Test & Kauf in Germany
2013, Germany
Value Award
TL-WDR4300 won Value Award from Legit Reviews
2013, US
Editor’s Choice
TL-WDR3600 gained “Editor’s Choice” award from E-Zone magazine in Hongkong, China.
2013, Hongkong, China
Preferred Vendor
TP-Link was designated as “Preferred Vendor” by Channel Partner in Germany
2012, Germany